Monday, April 30, 2007

Evolution of the Daleks - the aftermath

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I do hate it. It was really poorly conceived. I won't say that this is entirely Helen Raynor's fault, since she was pretty much given her brief with all the elements. From what I can tell in Confidential the major contribution she brought to it was Hooverville (which was the best part of it, really.) But, it's "marvelous" and "brilliant" and "fabulous" ... never trust anyone who says this stuff all the time.

What really gets me about this show, apart from what I've already written, is simple - the premise that the Doctor is the last of the Time Lords after this Time War with the Daleks ... ostensibly to get rid of Gallifrey and give mystery to the main character once again ... but, what we have is this constant referencing of the above over and over ... not to mention the Doctor's name, etc. The mystery isn't there. In fact, it's less mysterious than it's ever been in the show's history.

In series One (whatever) in 2005, the Dalek story arc was central to entire season and even the 9th Doctor's personna. His entire existence was geared toward his final battle, his emotional growth, etc. The Daleks were restored to being scary.
Last season they were trotted out as a "trick" at the end of the series. This year, they've become exactly what they started out as before the reinvention ... silly. I would have prefered just a simple Dalek story without all the "final solution, last of the daleks" stuff. Let alone the entirely stupid Dalek-human discovering his "feelings." Man, that was stupid in the 1966 Star Trek episode "What Little Girls are Made of" ...

Sorry fans, the show was doing so well, but if Dalek Caan turns up in the finale at all ... please pull the plug.

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