Tuesday, August 21, 2007


OK, I admit it; I never really liked David Lynch or his films. There was a brief period of time when I liked or tried to like “Wild at Heart” because it at least had a sense of humor, but even that has worn very thin over the years. For his die hard fans, I’m sorry, but his latest is easily the most obnoxious, pretentious, unintelligible thing I’ve ever forced myself to sit through. There is really no excuse for this exercise in confusion.

What is this film about?

OK, er ... Laura Dern is an actress who gets a part in a cursed movie … and then all hell breaks loose. There are sequences of a Polish prostitute, a sitcom staring very stoic man-sized bunny rabbits, and Dern drifting between many parts (or what appear to be other parts) in a nonstop confusion of cheap stunts and general freakiness.

To say this is overrated isn’t fair because no one seems to know about it, but the reviews seem generally to support Lynch in his bid to be as insane as he can without having to give us any allegory or story to invite us into his twisted mind. Worse still is the use of rather cheap digital cameras to get the film. Are we saving money or losing our ability to get it, one asks. Dern is here, then she is there … she’s a hooker, she’s a movie star, she’s housewife to a Russian circus star …

Lynch’s only explanation of the film is … in the form of a quote from the Upanishad: "We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

Sadly, even a spider has to live in linear time and only has one life.

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